About us
Hemp flowers and leaves. Hemp tea. Natural, full-spectrum CBD extract and oil – for harmony of body and soul.
The power of hemp is immense, but organic hemp is even stronger!
The famer Gintautas Žebelys cultivates industrial hemp on his organic farm located in the Tauragė District, Lithuania. Surrounded by forests, the farm is situated in Mažonai, within the territory of the Pagramantis Regional Park, near the confluence of the Jūra and Šunija rivers. The fields have remained chemical-free for decades.
We love nature and people, and we value ecology, naturalness, and sustainability. We wish everyone good health.
From sowing to sales, we manage every step of the process, ensuring that we confidently offer the highest quality products.
Our hemp products are 100% natural, organic, grown, produced, and packaged on our family farm.
We produce in small batches to guarantee freshness.
We were the first in Lithuania to certify organic hemp tea.
We participate in natural and organic product exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad.
The brand Kanapės galia/Hemp Power has been recognized since 2016.
Our ecological products are certified by VšĮ “Ekoagros.”
The products from Gintautas Žebelys’ farm carry the Pagramantis Regional Park product label. We are striving to achieve biodynamic farm status. This represents the highest level of ecological products, which are not only beneficial for health but also energetically stronger.
Take care of your health, and we will help you!
For commercial cooperation, contact us at:
My organic hemp products:
* hemp flowers and leaves,
* hemp cbd raw material,
* hemp tea,
* hemp protein,
* hemp stalks,
* hemp roots.
We also produce CBD products, such as CBD extracts and CBD hemp oil, in a certified facility using hemp that grows on our organic farm.
As health enthusiasts and nature lovers, we are committed to harnessing the best that nature has to offer. We grow our own hemp, and our own CBD products are made in-house using state-of-the-art processing techniques.
The cannabis revolution is already underway. More and more people are discovering the benefits of CBD and choosing CBD products. Science has already uncovered many of the advantages of cannabinoids, which our customers can experience for themselves.
If you have any requests or questions feel free to contact me at info@kanapesgalia.lt or zebelys.gintas@gmail.com
Gintautas Žebelys
VAT payer nr: LT100012827415
Address: Kelmynės k. 2, Mažonai, Tauragė district, Lithuania.
Bank acc. Nr. LT407300010176352320 Swedbank
Identification number 770001403 in the list of food processing entities of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture.
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