Organic hemp leaf tea 20 g.


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Organic hemp leaf tea

 The hemp that is being used for this tea is organically cultivated in Lithiania (Taurage). It is scraped and packed by hand. The leaves and blossoms of industrial hemp are not crushed.

Package’s net weight – 20 g

Usage Hemp tea:

For one cup of 200 ml of 0.5-1 g leaves pour boiled (80 C) water.


EU regulations see these hemps as an agricultural plant, as they do not exceed the tetrahydrocannabinoil percentage of 0,2%. I have received the testing certificate, provided by the National plantational agriculture council. I am listed as an official hemp provider. ( Nr. 15T-11PK)

The tea itself has an official Pagramantis‘ regional park pruduct.

Origin country: Lithuania

Farmer, founder and producer  – G. Žebelys at Kelmynės k. 2, Mažonai, Tauragė‘s district, Lithuania.

To order the product outside of  Lithuania, please contact us via email or find us on Facebook – Kanapės galia/Hemp power.

G.Zebelys Eco farm

Taurage, Lithuania

FB: Kanapės galia/Hemp power

Additional information
Ypatingos savybės

Užauginta ekologiniame ūkyje.
100% sertifikuotos pluoštinės kanapės.
Skinta ir pakuota rankomis.
Nesmulkinti kanapių žiedai ir lapai.
Sveikatai palankus produktas.
Gali padėti palaikyti gerą kasdienę savijautą.
THC mažiau negu 0,2%.
Tikras ir grynas kanapių arbatos skonis.

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